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Cyber Security Consulting

Planning to counter cyber threats to networks and implementing security functions Countermeasures for increasing risks in a network society that is growing ever more complicated and advanced


Cyber Security Consulting


SHIFT Cyber Security Consulting Features

  • 1. We analyze the cyber security risks (threats) facing the entire infrastructure/network and plan cyber security countermeasures.
  • 2. We implement integrated countermeasures and protective functions to counter the cyber threats facing the entire infrastructure/network.
  • 3. We improve the quality of cyber security for the system infrastructure across the entire network, including the Cloud, WANs, and LANs.

Service provisioning background

Necessity of cyber security measures in infrastructure

With cyber security measures for business software/(applications), it is important that the cyber security measures link with those in other infrastructure areas, rather than simply being implemented for software by itself. Since communication from client devices reaches business software via infrastructure, it is necessary to think about integrated cyber security measures that include both the business software and the infrastructure areas. SHIFT provides cyber security consulting services for supporting the planning, implementation, and quality improvement of cyber security measures in infrastructure areas.

~Countermeasures for cyber threats and vulnerabilities~

Security measures can be roughly divided into countering cyber threats and countering vulnerabilities.

Definition of cyber threats

Cyber threats refer to the external (or internal) attacks exemplified in cyber security.
Our cyber security consulting service counters threats such as cyber-attacks.

Definition of vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities refer to security holes, which are problems (defects) and weak points in software.
The vulnerability assessment service provided by SHIFT SECURITY assesses the vulnerabilities in software.

Service Overview

This service provides planning and implementation to counter cyber threats to infrastructure and networks.

This service provides planning and implementation to counter cyber threats to infrastructure and networks.
Cyber security consulting is a service more specialized for infrastructure and networks, which implements measures to counter cyber threats and supports the maintenance of cyber security quality from the perspective of defense-in-depth including GW security*1 in the end-to-end communication from client devices to business software/applications. Of the PCI DSS*2 perspectives, this accounts for 80% of all cyber security measures.

Most attacks focusing on vulnerabilities generally start from the Internet, and that is why preventing external cyber threats before they occur is considered most important in GW security.

For example, when a vulnerability is discovered in a Web server, attacks that focus on that vulnerability can be detected and protected against before they occur using a WAF signature, which prevents those attacks from reaching the business software/applications. Patches then need to be applied to the business software/applications.

It is also desirable to link with cyber threat intelligence with a next-generation firewall before WAF is reached to block communication with malicious IP addresses, URLs, and domains in advance.

*1 : Definition of GW security

Client devices pass through many security gateways before they reach the business software/applications, such as a CASB, SSL Accelerator, Next-Generation Firewall, IDS/IPS, or WAF/ADC/LB. The most important thing is to detect and block malicious communication from outside in these security gateways that end-to-end communication passes through. It is also necessary to implement Endpoint Security (EDR) in client devices and servers in case an attack or infiltration still occurs.

*2 : Definition of PCI DSS

The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is an international standard for credit card information security jointly formulated by five international payment brands (American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, and VISA).

Comprehensive support for improving the quality of cyber security

Our cyber security consulting service helps comprehensively improve the quality of cyber security in infrastructure across the entire network, including the Cloud, WANs, and LANs, and counters cyber threats to infrastructure and networks by handling everything from RFI/RFP in upstream phases to requirement definitions, the integration of operation, monitoring, and maintenance of CSIRT/SOC/MSSP/MDR, as well as the selection/evaluation of cyber security products such as firewalls and WAF, and basic/detailed design, validation, construction, and testing.

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